Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Lindeen Gets Thumbs Up From Conservation Voters

In a press release today, the Montana Conservation Voters have come out in favor of State Rep. Monica Lindeen in her bid for U.S. House of Representatives. Citing her work to maintain public access to public lands and her career conservation voting record of 82% as the reason, the MCV's favor Lindeen over Rheberg.

"Monica Lindeen has proven her willingness to protect this state's high quality of life in the legislature and Montana Conservation Voters is proud to offer her our endorsement and the seal-of-approval of Montana's conservation community," said Theresa Keaveny, Executive Director of Montana Conservation Voters. "We are thrilled when candidates talk about clean and renewable energy solutions that would benefit all Montanans, but Monica Lindeen is leading by example, campaigning across the state in a green bus fueled by biodiesel."

How does Rheberg's record stack up? As always, miserably. He has received a voting record of 4% from the League of Conservation Voters for his career. Not only that, he has taken over $196,851 from big oil and gas. Where do you think his allegiance lies? Even when Burn's flip flopped on oil drilling in the Rocky Mountain Front, Rheberg remains committed to destroying our last pristine area. If you want to keep hunting, fishing and hiking areas in Montana healthy, Rheberg is not the man for Montana.

"Our endorsement decision was made easier by the stark contrasts seen in the conservation records of the two candidates for Montana's seat in the U.S. House," said John Gibson, a Billings volunteer with the Yellowstone Chapter of Montana Conservation Voters. "Lindeen is campaigning on biodiesel bus, touting the positive effects that proactive clean energy solutions could have in store for Montana farmers and consumers, whereas Rehberg may as well be campaigning from atop an industry-funded drill rig."

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