Monday, October 02, 2006

Helena State Elections: Christine Kaufmann

While there are many state elections that are close, I wanted to use my megaphone to recognize and garner support for the awesome candidates we have here in Helena. I'll start with Christine Kaufmann, democratic incumbent from HD81.

We all know the awesome work that Christine has done with the Montana Human Rights Network, that alone would be enough to send her back to ... well Helena again. The stance that makes her stand out to me is on wages. From her website:

Kaufmann identifies a living wage, tax reform, health care, and public education as critical human rights issues facing Montanans. “People have a basic human right to make a wage that allows them to care for their families,” according to Kaufmann. “The current minimum wage, which amounts to only $10,712 per year for full-time work, is appalling.”

This is a serious problem, and one she moved to remedy with the introduction of a minimum wage increase last session. Action, not just talk.

First, we should thank her for looking out for Montanans and the voters of HD81 (including me). Second, show her some support by getting involved. Go visit her website and see what you can do to help. You can contribute money here. Third, get your behind to the polls and put her in office one more time.

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