Thursday, December 20, 2007

Blindsided (I just want to ramble)

Don't worry about the future. Or worry, but know that worrying is as effective as trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing bubble gum. The real troubles in your life are apt to be things that never crossed your worried mind, the kind that blindside you at 4 p.m. on some idle Tuesday. - Everybody's Free ( To Wear Sunscreen)

What about those things that blindside you at 6:00 pm on some idle Wednesday? I got a call this afternoon from my brother. He said that my Momma had suffered from a ruptured aneurysm in her brain and they were life flighting her to Atlanta. He was on the road from Tennessee to meet them at Emory hospital in Atlanta. How could this be? She had left a message wanting to know if we had gotten our Christmas package just hours before.

I called my aunt Belle to see what she knew. She said that Momma's neighbors were at her house delivering some Christmas presents and she was laughing and talking and suddenly grabbed her head, screamed and fell over. She was going with my Uncle Joe to Emory. I asked her if Momma was conscience, she said she was but was in a lot of pain. After the CAT scan they gave her medicine and it calmed her.

My cousin Vonne called a short time later and said that it was too foggy for the flight, so they were taking her by ambulance. Then my brother called and said that they were waiting on a third rider as they were going to have to bag her. A short time later he called and said they had to put a tube in her throat to help her breathe. I started to hate my phone.

My wife made reservations for me to fly out tomorrow afternoon. I cringed each time the phone rang. My brother called again, they didn't make it to Atlanta but had to stop at the North Georgia Medical Center in Gainesville but he didn't know any details. I looked up the number for him and he called. He called back and said that they would only tell him that she was on a respirator and in critical but stable condition. Stable is good, so I held on to that. Then he called and said that the nurse called him back and said that she was in critical and unstable condition.

He called me from the hospital around midnight my time and said that the neurosurgeon was going to drill a hole to relieve the pressure. It wouldn't take long and he would call me back as soon as it was over. I asked him if there was any prognosis, he said no. The last call came an hour later. He said that they drilled the hole and relieved the pressure but that she was brain-dead and if they took her off the respirator she would die.

I am taking the first flight out, in a few hours, if they will let me on. I don't have any idea how to deal with this situation. Please, whatever you do to send god will out to people, send some to me.


Anonymous said...

My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family.

pj finn said...

I know that there's little I can say at a time like this, but my thoughts and best wishes are with you my friend.

Anonymous said...


Sorry to hear of your loss. We will keep you and yours in our thoughts and prayers as well.

Anonymous said...

I hope you're in the air by now, but if you read this and there is anything I can do let me know. Godspeed.

Rob Kailey said...

I know you probably won't read this for a while, but my best thoughts go with you, Shane.

Shane C. Mason said...

Thank you for your thoughts guys. I got to say my goodbyes. The respirator was removed and she passed a few short minutes later. She went gently and calmly, surrounded by people who loved her. You would not know this, but she is a frequent commenter at Montana Netroots. I suspected it was her, but my cousins told me it was. They said that she had a great time with it and absolutely loved the sharp exchanges we had.

I loved her and will miss her greatly.

pj finn said...

Words may seem hollow at a time like this, but again my thoughts and sympathies are with you and your family at this difficult time. The death of a parent is always rough -- especially so during the holiday season. Just know that you have friends here in the Montana 'sphere Shane, and though I can only speak for myself I'm sure others will agree -- we're with you and we're here if you need us.

Anonymous said...

Ditto pj, if there's anything you need taken care of back here in Helena please let me know-no matter how minor. My heart goes out to you and your family.

Rocky Smith said...

My condolences on your loss.

The Smoking Redhead said...

I am so sorry to read that your mom passed away. Sending prayers and good thoughts your way.

david said...

I am so sorry, Shane...there are no words of comfort. Just remember only the good things, the love, the happiness.

Randy said...

Shane, please accept my condolences for your loss. I wish there was more we could do to ease your loss but I will keep your family in my prayers.

granny said...

Shane, I am so sorry.

It is January 17, I haven't read anything in a long time but I wanted to see how everybody was doing.

I am glad that you got to speak to her before she couldn't and that you got to be with her when she left.

I am sorry about the rest. Bless you and your family.